(563 SM - 483 SM)
Gautama Buddha Prince Siddhartha's real name founder of Buddhism, one of the largest religions in the world. Son of the king of Kapilavastu, northeast India. border with Nepal. Own Siddhartha (Gautama clan of the Sakya clan) reputedly was born in Lumbini which now includes the territory of Nepal. Married at the age of sixteen years with his cousin the same age. Brought up in a luxurious palace, Prince Siddhartha did not feel at home with good living lazed, and dogged by a sense of very dissatisfied.
From the glittering palace window he looked into her outside and looked poor people lying on the streets, not eating late morning, or not able to eat at all. Day after day pursue the necessities of life that never reached as a bundle of wheat in it hanging on the muzzle hourse .if the trash. While the dispossessed was often seized with a sense of dissatisfaction, anxiety anxious, disappointed and sad because of all diseases that haunted every time dragged him to the grave. Siddhartha thought, this situation must be changed. It must be realized the meaning of life in the real sense of the word, and not just a temporary pleasure that always overshadowed by the suffering and death.
When twenty-nine years old, shortly after his first son was born, Gautama decided he must leave his palace life and unite themselves to the search for truth is not gilding. Thinking is not merely think, but act. With the sway kale she left the palace, without a wife and children, without bringing any goods and property, and became homeless with no penny in my pocket.
The first step, for a while, she demanded knowledge of the wise men in those days and after feeling quite bagging science, he arrived at the conclusion of solving the problem of human dissatisfaction. Public opinion, asceticism was the path to true wisdom. On the basis of the assumption was trying to become an ascetic Gautama, years of fasting and abstinence as good-great.
Eventually he realized behavior torturing myself just blur the edges of mind, and instead leads closer to the real truth. Thought have thought, he decided it'd better eat like a normal human being and stop all kinds of penance because the act is not only useless but can make a skinny body, sluggish, eyes fireflies, sleepy, rheumatic pain, not even close to stupid.
In the quiet solitude he struggled with his serene life of a human problem. Finally one night, when he was sitting under a broadleaf tree and the fruit like a pear shape is loaded seeds of all kinds, and there came a matter of life puzzle seemed to fall on him. All night Siddhartha reflected deeply and when the sun broke the eastern horizon and she gasped in unison convinced that the problem is solved
already complicated and he was from then on called himself Buddha "who was given illumination."
At that age turned thirty-five years. The remaining age of forty-five years employed the wandering throughout northern India, spreading his new philosophy in front of the audience who is willing to listen. When he died, 483 years before Christ, had hundreds of thousands of followers of his teachings. Although his remarks are still not written one but advice memorized by many of his followers outside the head, passed down from one generation to the next generation through the mouth alone.
Basic Buddhism can be summarized in what adherents term "Four virtues of truth:" first, that human life is basically unhappy, secondly, it causes unhappiness is thinking about self-interest as well shackled by passion; third, the idea of self-interest own and lust can be pressed out when all passions and desires can be dispensed with, in Buddhism is called nirvana; fourth, weighing right, think right, speak right, do right, make a living right, trying to correct, given the right, right meditation. Buddhism can grow it open for anyone, regardless of whatever race he is, (this distinguishes it from Hinduism).
Some time after the death of Gautama the new religion spread slowly. In the 3rd century BC, a great Indian emperor Asoka converted to power called Buddhism. Thanks to its support, the spread of Buddhism streaking profusely, not only in India but also in Burma. From here agarna was spreading throughout Southeast Asia, to Malaysia and Indonesia.
The wind spread the influence was not just blowing to the south but also to the north, broke into Tibet, Afghanistan and Central Asia. Not until there. He went to China and claimed the amount of influence that is not artificial, and from there crossed over to Japan and Korea.
While in India itself the new religious influence began to decline after about the year 500 AD even nearly extinct in the year 1200. By contrast, in China and in Japan, Buddhism remain the principal religion. Similarly, in Tibet and Southeast Asia that religion had its heyday centuries.
Buddhist teachings are not written until many centuries after the death of Gautama. Because it is easy understandable why religion is fragmented into various sects. Two large branches of Theravada Buddhism is a branch of-influence, especially in Southeast Asia and supposedly most Western scholars is the closest branch of the Buddhist teachings are original. Another branch of Mahayana, the weight of his influence lies in Tibet, China and also in Southeast Asia in general.
Buddha, as the founder of one of the largest religions in the world, definitely worth nearly level ranks top in the list of this book. Because the number of followers of Buddhism, lived 200 million compared with adherents of Islam that 500 million number and one billion adherents of Christianity, Buddhism itself is smaller than the influence of Muhammad or Jesus. However, the different number of believers, if a measure is exceedingly strict, it could be misleading. For example, the demise or decline of Buddhism in India is not just any slump slump but because Hinduism has absorbed many teachings and Buddhist principles into his body. In China too, a large number of people who no longer openly call themselves Buddhists in the practice of everyday life is actually very influenced by the philosophy of religion.
Buddhism, far ahead of both Islam and Christianity, had a very prominent pacifist elements. The view that stem from non-violent play an important role in the political history of the countries that follow the Buddha.
Many people say if one day Jesus come back down to earth he would stare surprised to see all what people do on his behalf, and will be anxious for the bloodshed that occurred in the conflict between different sects of opinion equally claim to be followers. So also will happen to the Buddha. He could not be gape-agape watching so many sects of Buddhism are unfolding everywhere everywhere, each different from each other even though they claim to Buddhists. But, however chaotic sects are different from each other it does not lead to bloody religious war as happened in the Christian world of Europe. In this connection, at least means the teachings of the Buddha looked much depth is lived by its adherents rather than the teachings of Jesus dalarn same connection.
Buddha and Confucius-Cu have approximately equal influence on the world. Both lived at the same time period, and the number of his followers were not much different. My choice to put the Buddha's name ahead of Hu-Cu Kong in the order rests on two considerations: first, the development of Communism in China was almost wiped out the influence of Confucius-Cu, while it seems the future of Buddhism still more gaps and influence than in Kong's Hu- Cu, secondly, the failure of the teachings of Confucius-Cu was spread beyond the limits of China shows how closely related the teachings of Confucius-Cu with the attitudes and procedures of the old Chinese era. Instead, Buddhism contains no statement test or chewed previous Indian philosophy and Buddhism spread country-yard walk boundary rests the idea of genuine India-Gauthier and wide range of philosophies.
From the glittering palace window he looked into her outside and looked poor people lying on the streets, not eating late morning, or not able to eat at all. Day after day pursue the necessities of life that never reached as a bundle of wheat in it hanging on the muzzle hourse .if the trash. While the dispossessed was often seized with a sense of dissatisfaction, anxiety anxious, disappointed and sad because of all diseases that haunted every time dragged him to the grave. Siddhartha thought, this situation must be changed. It must be realized the meaning of life in the real sense of the word, and not just a temporary pleasure that always overshadowed by the suffering and death.
When twenty-nine years old, shortly after his first son was born, Gautama decided he must leave his palace life and unite themselves to the search for truth is not gilding. Thinking is not merely think, but act. With the sway kale she left the palace, without a wife and children, without bringing any goods and property, and became homeless with no penny in my pocket.
The first step, for a while, she demanded knowledge of the wise men in those days and after feeling quite bagging science, he arrived at the conclusion of solving the problem of human dissatisfaction. Public opinion, asceticism was the path to true wisdom. On the basis of the assumption was trying to become an ascetic Gautama, years of fasting and abstinence as good-great.
Eventually he realized behavior torturing myself just blur the edges of mind, and instead leads closer to the real truth. Thought have thought, he decided it'd better eat like a normal human being and stop all kinds of penance because the act is not only useless but can make a skinny body, sluggish, eyes fireflies, sleepy, rheumatic pain, not even close to stupid.
In the quiet solitude he struggled with his serene life of a human problem. Finally one night, when he was sitting under a broadleaf tree and the fruit like a pear shape is loaded seeds of all kinds, and there came a matter of life puzzle seemed to fall on him. All night Siddhartha reflected deeply and when the sun broke the eastern horizon and she gasped in unison convinced that the problem is solved

At that age turned thirty-five years. The remaining age of forty-five years employed the wandering throughout northern India, spreading his new philosophy in front of the audience who is willing to listen. When he died, 483 years before Christ, had hundreds of thousands of followers of his teachings. Although his remarks are still not written one but advice memorized by many of his followers outside the head, passed down from one generation to the next generation through the mouth alone.
Basic Buddhism can be summarized in what adherents term "Four virtues of truth:" first, that human life is basically unhappy, secondly, it causes unhappiness is thinking about self-interest as well shackled by passion; third, the idea of self-interest own and lust can be pressed out when all passions and desires can be dispensed with, in Buddhism is called nirvana; fourth, weighing right, think right, speak right, do right, make a living right, trying to correct, given the right, right meditation. Buddhism can grow it open for anyone, regardless of whatever race he is, (this distinguishes it from Hinduism).
Some time after the death of Gautama the new religion spread slowly. In the 3rd century BC, a great Indian emperor Asoka converted to power called Buddhism. Thanks to its support, the spread of Buddhism streaking profusely, not only in India but also in Burma. From here agarna was spreading throughout Southeast Asia, to Malaysia and Indonesia.
The wind spread the influence was not just blowing to the south but also to the north, broke into Tibet, Afghanistan and Central Asia. Not until there. He went to China and claimed the amount of influence that is not artificial, and from there crossed over to Japan and Korea.
While in India itself the new religious influence began to decline after about the year 500 AD even nearly extinct in the year 1200. By contrast, in China and in Japan, Buddhism remain the principal religion. Similarly, in Tibet and Southeast Asia that religion had its heyday centuries.
Buddhist teachings are not written until many centuries after the death of Gautama. Because it is easy understandable why religion is fragmented into various sects. Two large branches of Theravada Buddhism is a branch of-influence, especially in Southeast Asia and supposedly most Western scholars is the closest branch of the Buddhist teachings are original. Another branch of Mahayana, the weight of his influence lies in Tibet, China and also in Southeast Asia in general.
Buddha, as the founder of one of the largest religions in the world, definitely worth nearly level ranks top in the list of this book. Because the number of followers of Buddhism, lived 200 million compared with adherents of Islam that 500 million number and one billion adherents of Christianity, Buddhism itself is smaller than the influence of Muhammad or Jesus. However, the different number of believers, if a measure is exceedingly strict, it could be misleading. For example, the demise or decline of Buddhism in India is not just any slump slump but because Hinduism has absorbed many teachings and Buddhist principles into his body. In China too, a large number of people who no longer openly call themselves Buddhists in the practice of everyday life is actually very influenced by the philosophy of religion.
Buddhism, far ahead of both Islam and Christianity, had a very prominent pacifist elements. The view that stem from non-violent play an important role in the political history of the countries that follow the Buddha.
Many people say if one day Jesus come back down to earth he would stare surprised to see all what people do on his behalf, and will be anxious for the bloodshed that occurred in the conflict between different sects of opinion equally claim to be followers. So also will happen to the Buddha. He could not be gape-agape watching so many sects of Buddhism are unfolding everywhere everywhere, each different from each other even though they claim to Buddhists. But, however chaotic sects are different from each other it does not lead to bloody religious war as happened in the Christian world of Europe. In this connection, at least means the teachings of the Buddha looked much depth is lived by its adherents rather than the teachings of Jesus dalarn same connection.
Buddha and Confucius-Cu have approximately equal influence on the world. Both lived at the same time period, and the number of his followers were not much different. My choice to put the Buddha's name ahead of Hu-Cu Kong in the order rests on two considerations: first, the development of Communism in China was almost wiped out the influence of Confucius-Cu, while it seems the future of Buddhism still more gaps and influence than in Kong's Hu- Cu, secondly, the failure of the teachings of Confucius-Cu was spread beyond the limits of China shows how closely related the teachings of Confucius-Cu with the attitudes and procedures of the old Chinese era. Instead, Buddhism contains no statement test or chewed previous Indian philosophy and Buddhism spread country-yard walk boundary rests the idea of genuine India-Gauthier and wide range of philosophies.
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