Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Asteroid Comet and Meteoroid

Talk about the space we will be confronted by a puzzle that will never run out until the end of the world towards destruction. According to NASA's Near Earth Object Program, asteroids are rocky objects whose size is relatively small, inactive, and the orbiting sun, also relatively small, but sometimes is an active object that vaporize the ice that he had when exposed to sunlight and form the atmosphere that consist of dust and gas.
Sometimes, because the comet moving fast enough, he formed a tail consisting of dust and or gas.  Meteoroid itself is tiny particles released from comets or asteroids. Of the three, the asteroid is the most interesting objects to be studied by scientists. 
As is known, so far, scientists can not yet fully understand how early life is made of organic substances that are not live, can grow and evolve on Earth. By studying the asteroid, we can find out more.
Reported by Fox News, June 30, 2011, asteroids such as 2 Pallas and 10 Hygiea, which is believed to have had water, it appears to have organic compounds (carbon-based) in it. Currently, the asteroid

has a chemical composition that is more primitive than the Earth. Conditions are similar to the time of our solar system was newly formed, according to Carol Raymond, Deputy Principal Investigator of NASA. By studying it, we can figure out how life could arise on the planet, Raymond mentions, there are some conditions that make Earth a very conducive environment for life in the past. In addition, the scientists argue that asteroid that landed on Earth in ancient times has provided material that helped begin forming life on this planet and the formation of the earth we call it now.

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