Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mohandas Gandhi

Mohandas Gandhi
1869-1948 )
After China, India country whose population in the world, like a star in the sky scattered the sky. And this great nation in a time of life scattered beneath the English a foothold boots smokes a cigar while his back whipped and robbed the rich Indian earth. Is not there Engels quip: If English is mentioned for the sake of Jesus Christ in India, which he actually meant the cotton! Mohandas K. Gandhi was a man who stood at the forefront in the movement for Indian independence, and only from the point of this reason alone many people who suggested that he put in the subject of this book. After all, is fitting in mind, India's independence from Britain would come to "own" sooner or later. Because, in fact, a particular strength of the impetus of history tends to lead to decolonization. This we can see now that the independence of India was definitely done in a few years after 1947, even if Gandhi had never lived in this world.
It's true, how Gandhi's nonviolent civil disobedience run finally managed to persuade the British left of the country. However, even if it pursued the path of violence, he inevitably will be free anyway independence as well, sooner or later. Because of Gandhi's hard to conclude whether the overall slow down or speed up the freedom of India, it seems we can together that effects the core of the steps are (at least in terms of it) is not how much. Can also be shown, Gandhi was not the founder of the Indian independence movement (Indian National Congress was founded in 1885), and not he who is the most important political figure at the time it gained independence. Even so, the significance of Gandhi lies in the suggestion "without violence" it. (Of course, this idea is not entirely original; Gandhi himself specifically says the idea came partly from his reading the writings of Thoreau, Tolstoy and the New Testament and also the various writings of Hindu religious leaders). No doubt, Gandhi's politics, if acceptable to the international scale, can change the world. Unfortunately, not all can accept, even in India itself.

It is true that, in the years between 1945-1955 the technique used to try to persuade the Portuguese to lift the foot of Goa, this recommendation does not meet the targets because a few years later the Indian government to subdue him by force of arms. Moreover, in the last thirty years, India engaged in war with Pakistan three times and the border war with China. Other countries are also reluctant to receive the following Gandhian technique. Roughly, seventy years since Gandhi introduced the technique "without violence", the world is full of scuffles drenched blood. The most intense scuffles in history.
Should we conclude that Gandhi is clearly evident as the philosopher fails? At this present time it appears it does; however, worth remembering that thirty years after the absence of the Prophet Jesus, a Roman intelligent and full of information could not be concluded that the Prophet Jesus of Nazareth was a failure if he really listened and follow Jesus as a whole! And anyway no one could imagine in the year 450 BC how will influential Kong Hu-Cu in the end. Assessing the extent of what had happened, Gandhi seems feasible only included in the respectable people.

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